Edificio per abitazioni
Building the urban landscape
A piece of completion of its block edge in material and chromatic discontinuity with the immediate context. A building in natural travertine that considers the change of the stone over time as a compositional aspect and entrusts the façade design to the lights and shadows of the volumetric articulation of a single-material surface.
The project develops a relationship with the urban landscape starting from the choice to create an internal mineral and vegetal garden, which leads to redefining the characteristics of the entire block: from the back to the green interior.
The housing typology is developed on the idea of building an ideal floor plan capable of enhancing, in the domestic experience, the condition of double facing. The pass-through living rooms cross the building and allow to simultaneously experience the view of the tree-lined street and the internal view of the garden.
Milano, 2024
Private Assignment
2.325 m2
All stages, completed